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刘晓梅,锦州医科大学附属第一医院 肿瘤内科副主任, 副教授、 硕士研究生导师,辽宁省抗癌协会姑息治疗委员会青委会副主任委员,生物治疗专业委员会理事,肺癌专业委员会委员,淋巴瘤专业委员会青委会委员,辽宁省生命关怀肿瘤专业委员会常委,辽宁省锦州市癌痛规范化示范病房专家组副组长,首届中国研究型医院学会分子诊断医学专业委员会肺癌学组委员,中国老年学和老年医学学会精准医疗分会委员
Identification of TP53 PEX4 polymorphism related to osimertinib
ESMO Asia 2017 Case Forum
Xiaomei Liu, Yinxu Zhang,et al.Impact of preoperative serum TMAO levels on survival and its correlation with clinicopathological parameters.Biomark Med.
2017;11(5):443–447 IF=2.179
Xiaomei Liu, Heng Liu, Yinxu Zhang,et al.CD68-positive tumor-associated macrophages predicts the survival of patients with stage I colorectal cancer.Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2016;9(11):11676-11681. IF=1.581
Xiaomei Liu, Yinxu Zhang,et al.Pre-treatment Elevated Platelet Count Associates with HER2 overexpression and Prognosis in Patients with Breast Cancer.Asian Pac J Cancer Prev.2015;16(13):5537-40. IF=2.514
Xiaomei Liu, Yinxu Zhang,et al.Inhibition of AKTFoxO3a signaling induced PUMA expression in response to p53-independent cytotoxic effects of H1, a derivative of tetrandrine Cancer Biol Ther. 2015 Apr 16(6)):965-975. IF=3.072