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原 著:《Atlas of Upper Extremity Trauma》译 著:《上肢创伤图集》
添加人:     添加时间:2021年01月05日     阅读: 1659 次     来源:全国卫生产业企业管理协会卫生健康适宜技术分会

原 著:《Atlas of Upper Extremity Trauma》译 著:《上肢创伤图集》

Demonstrating current management techniques for traumatic fractures and dislocations of the upper extremity, this atlas utilizes a practical, how-to structure, discussing philosophy, approach, patient positioning, prepping, draping, and surgical techniques for each type of injury. Generously illustrated with intraoperative photos, the chapters of this atlas are arranged by anatomic location, from the clavicle and shoulder down to the fingers, with each chapter briefly describing the thought processes involved in choosing surgical interventions and applied anatomy approaches, fixation selections, and techniques. Actual case examples, cadaver photos and plentiful radiographs illustrate the text for a strongly visual presentation, and a list of "Eglsederisms" - pithy bits of advice for residents and veteran surgeons alike - set the stage for a highly demonstrative resource for orthopedic and trauma surgeons, residents and fellows.

1. Eglsederisms

2. Operating Room Principles 

3. Principles of Fixation 

4. Sternoclavicular Joint Dislocations and Physeal Injuries 

5. Clavicle Fractures 

6. Distal Clavicular Fractures and Acromioclavicular Dislocations 

7. Glenoid and Scapular Body Fractures 

8. Floating Shoulder 

9. Proximal Humeral Fractures 

10. Humeral Fractures 

11. Humeral Nonunions 

12. Distal Humeral Supracondylar Fractures 

13. Distal Humeral Transcondylar Fractures 

14. Distal Humeral T-Intercondylar Fractures 

15. Distal Humeral Anterior Shear Fractures 

16. Olecranon Process Fractures 

17. Transolecranon Fracture Dislocations 

18. Radial Head and Neck Fractures 

19. Elbow Terrible Triad Injuries 

20. Monteggia Fractures 

21. Shaft Fractures of the Radius and Ulna 

22. Floating Elbow 

23. Galeazzi Fractures 

24. Distal Radius Fractures 

25. Perilunate Injuries 

26. Carpometacarpal Joint Injuries 

27. Metacarpal Fractures 

28. Phalangeal Fractures