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原 著:《Management of Endometrial Cancer》 译 著:《子宫内膜癌的治疗》
This practical reference book provides up-to-date, evidence-based multidisciplinary guidelines on the epidemiology, biology, diagnosis, and treatment of endometrial cancer. Individual chapters focus on topics such as hormonal interactions, cancer prevention, genetic classification and its clinical applications. Recent advances in diagnostic methods are described. The treatment-oriented chapters include coverage of the roles of lymphadenectomy and sentinel node dissection, surgical complications, radiation techniques, and chemotherapy in early-stage disease. Treatment options in advanced disease, including hormonal therapy and targeted therapy, are considered separately, as is the management of rare tumor types. The authors are international key opinion leaders. Summaries of the ESMO/ESGO/ESTRO guidelines on management are included. Each clinical chapter ends with a summary of recommendations with the level of evidence.
1. Classification of Endometrial Cancer
2. Controversies in Pathology and Advances in Molecular Diagnostics
3. Endometrial Cancer Genetic Classification and Its Clinical Application
4. Advances in Endometrial Cancer Diagnosis
5. Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Prevention for Endometrial Cancer
6. Hormone Interactions in Endometrial Cancer
7. Hereditary Cancers
8. The Need for Level 1 Clinical Evidence in Daily Practice
9. Summary of Management Guidelines for Endometrial Cancer
10. Surgical Principles of Endometrial Cancer
11. Surgical Principles in Endometrial Cancer
12. The Role of Sentinel Node Dissection
13. Fertility-Sparing Treatment in Early-Stage Endometrial Cancer
14. Risk Factors in the Early-Stage Endometrial Cancer
15. Role of Radiation Therapy
16. Chemotherapy in Endometrial Cancer
17. Role of Hormonal Therapy in Advanced Stage Endometrial Cancer
18. Targeted Therapy in Management of Endometrial Cancer
19. Management of Rare Uterine Malignant Tumors